We are a publication agency that uses the power of design and technology to create revolutionary digital designs.
We stand at the intersection of design & technology
We’re specialists who understand design. That’s how we’ve successfully matched thousands of talented agencies & biggest publications.
MagFirst (An Enamus Company) is a Digital Publication Design agency. We CREATE + DESIGN + IMPLEMENT Cross-platform Interactive publications. we happen to design great magazines.
Our studio is located in New York and Banglore. From here we’ve delivered world-class design to over 12 countries across the globe, since 2011.
We are a team of quirky creatives who believe in design that works. and Yes we are typemaniacs too. We have built over 28+ successful newsstand magazines. Does that work?

We are a bunch of quirky creatives, who believe in creating epic digital experiences
We’re specialists who understand design. That’s how we’ve successfully matched thousands of talented agencies & biggest publications.

Jain Karan
Founder & CEO

Trishla Dhakra

Jain Kamal
Design Consultant

Amrita Singh
Social Media & Growth